Volunteering & Mentoring
Giving back to the alumni community
Participating as a volunteer or mentor is not just about giving; it’s also about receiving. Your involvement in the programs and activities listed below helps to enrich the lives of our current students and support ongoing alumni initiatives.
Old Saints' Committee
The Old Saints’ Committee, which comprises Old Saints from various graduating years, is dedicated to fostering a strong sense of connection and engagement among our alumni.
We actively support initiatives such as reunions, Year 12 events, Futures opportunities, the Service and Endeavour Award, Old Saints' Walk, and more.
Why join the Committee?
- It’s a great way to give back to ASC
- Networking/volunteering opportunities
- Develop ideas for new and existing activities and events
- Grow your skill set
- Could represent the Old Saints on the College Board
All Old Saints are welcome to join; there are only four annual meetings. Reach out to us at oldsaints@allsaints.wa.edu.au
Organise Your Reunion
The Committee hosts reunions for College alumni on the graduation anniversary of 1, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 years. Old Saints are encouraged to assist with the organisation of these annual reunions.
Interested in organising your reunion?
Touch base with our Community Relations Coordinator by emailing oldsaints@allsaints.wa.edu.au
Lend a hand at an Old Saints' College event
The Old Saints host various events throughout the year for our current students and College community, including the Year 12 BBQ and Heritage Week. If you’d like to give back to ASC in some way we’re always looking for more volunteers to assist with these events.
Interested in volunteering?
Contact oldsaints@allsaints.wa.edu.au for more information.
Futures Advice
Can you help empower All Saints’ College’s young people as they navigate their career journeys? Your valuable insights and experiences can inspire and guide current students as they explore various pathways during the programs listed below.
The ASC Futures Day is held in Term 2 (typically in June) each year to assist Year 10 students with learning more about the wide selection of career opportunities. Parents and Old Saints have been extremely generous with their time, offering insights into courses, training or apprenticeships they have experienced.
Year 11 students also complete a minimum five-day work experience with a company or institution of their choice in Term 4. Parents and Old Saints can play an invaluable role in offering work experience placements to our students within their own businesses or the company/institution they work in.
If you live overseas, interstate, or perhaps don’t have the flexibility to attend in person, you might be interested in E-Mentoring an ASC student who wants to learn more about an industry or profession.
Want more information?
For further information about any of the above programs, please contact the College’s Head of Futures Nicholas Keskinidis: nicholas.keskindis@allsaints.wa.edu.au
Community Sport Volunteers
ASC has thriving basketball and football (soccer) clubs that participate in local community competitions outside of school. Our clubs always seek volunteers to assist in coaching and managing our teams.
If you are a parent, relative, university student, or young adult with a passion for sport, coaching a children's community sporting team can be a very rewarding role.
This role involves
• coaching a one-hour training session per week at ASC – you as the coach can discuss with the team the training time that best suits your schedule around school hours.
• coaching the weekly game (1-2 hours max). Fixtures are set by the sporting associations. This can be discussed further and we can find a team to suit your schedule.
Minimum requirements;
• Basic basketball or soccer knowledge – rules, drills and skills. (You don’t need to be an expert coach!!)
• Passion/enthusiasm for helping kids develop their sporting skills and team work.
• Working With Children Check
• Current National Police Check
ASC Basketball and Soccer Club will provide you with all the equipment you need. Additionally, you will have a team manager that will look after team logistics and communication with the parents so that you can just focus on coaching.
This is a six-month seasonal commitment with breaks during the school holidays.
What are the specific tasks involved in being the Team Manager?
• Organising the training day and time in agreement with the coach and communicating this training time to all parents.
• Organising team uniforms (which you can ask parents to collect from the ISC staff office), equipment (bag of basketballs), snacks for game day (optional), first aid equipment (if needed), etc.
• Managing players on game days and, where needed, organising fill-ins if needed in case of players being ill or unavailable. Communication between parents is crucial, and you must confirm everyone’s availability each week.
• Checking fixture times via the specific club fixture platform and communicating with all other players and parents.
• Rostering a parent each week to help do the scoring at each game, and there may also be other duties for game days.
• Keeping the ASC Sport Administrator aware of any issues or concerns so that assistance can be provided as much as possible.
• Where applicable, monitor and assist the Student Coach when needed, if your team has one
This is a six-month seasonal commitment with breaks during the school holidays.
Want to find out more or put yourself forward?
Contact Mike Pinker, Community Sport Development Coordinator mike.pinker@allsaints.wa.edu.au
All Saints' College Community Kitchen
The College’s Parents and Friends’ Association hosts a Community Kitchen on campus each term. Old Saints are welcome to participate in this worthy cause and assist in cooking meals for The Salvation Army.
Interested in volunteering?
For more information, please email pandf@allsaints.wa.edu.au

Update your details
We value staying connected with our alumni! Ensure your contact details are up-to-date to keep informed about exciting news from the Old Saints, events and reunions, and more.